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International Board of Standards - Professional Designations -  Accredited Education.  Creating the World's Leaders in Management ™

MFM ™ Master Financial Manager


Event Overview

This formal qualification from the AAFM ® which is recognized in more than 150 countries and by 1000 accredited business programs globally.


Course Overview

The curriculum for the MFM Executive Certification is geared entirely towards the focus on asset management and specialist financial planning. A core group of specialty graduate topics focuses on the major functional issues of asset management planning, ranging from strategy to risk management. This is an specialization program to the entire subject; introducing, defining and explaining the concept of asset management.


By Attending, delegates will learn keys to success in areas of:


• Define the elements of good asset management practice

• Identify the roles and responsibilities of the asset

• Distinguish "best practices" in reporting and monitoring

• Debate the pros and cons of managing your own portfolio

• Add AAFM membership and certification to your resume

• Be published on the AAFM site as a certified member


Who Should Attend

The people for whom this training will be the most valuable are those that are new to working in asset management, or for those that deal with some aspects but would greatly benefit from being able to understand the whole picture. It is also for anybody who wishes to examine how managers should interact with the physical world, and in particular the assets that are used by a business to generate wealth.


Qualifications, Certification

Completion of this course entitles you to receive the academic designation of Master Financial Manager ™. The MFM  course is a combined designation program. Any delegate successfully completing this course who then registers with the American Academy of Financial Management will be eligible to use 2 designations. The MFM  can be used together or interchangeably on the resume or on business cards. The reason is that a few legal jurisdictions do not allow certain professionals to use the word certified after their name.


Benefits of The Event:

In this modern business world, as organizations become more and more competitive, our roles require that we have knowledge of many aspects of finance. Asset Management is the active and strategic pursuit of an owner's long term social, physical and financial goals from pre-development through the administration and disposition of a property or portfolio.

Due to rapidly growing globalization, a significant increase in the level of activity in both the domestic and international financial markets can be observed. Financial transactions worth trillions of dollars are being carried out on the stock markets every day. At the same time, price fluctuations and the multitude of financial innovations testify to the dynamic character of today’s markets. Changing social and demographic conditions are resulting in a growing demand for customized and comprehensive asset management. Consequently, banks, insurance companies, and investment fund companies are showing an immediate demand for highly qualified financial analysts, asset and fund managers, and client or investment advisors, who, in addition to a degree in the appropriate field, also have a personality profile which is suitable for this sensitive area of financial management.


To compete effectively, regional banks and financial institutions need account executives with the professional grounding to cultivate relationships equivalent to those offered by international banks. AAFM is proud to present the American Academy Of Financial Management’s Chartered Asset Manger™ (CAM™) Professional Development Program. This intensive accredited certification program provides you with the opportunity to learn how to successfully manage assets through a core group of specialty graduate topics. This highly intensive course has been specially developed for those that are new to the profession of asset management or those that are not usually involved in asset management on a day-to-day basis, but require knowledge of it for a better understanding to achieve success for their organization.


Without being bogged down by confusing academic detail, the course will focus on understanding the basic principles, concepts and techniques, so that they can be used in all industries and organizations.


Course Agenda:


Fundamentals Of Asset Management And Financial Strategy

Specialization in Asset Management introduces candidates to the asset management process and to the technical skills that a competent asset manager must possess in order to serve his or her clients successfully. You will learn the primary concepts of asset management (insurance, investments and estate planning) and their corresponding interrelationship in providing comprehensive personal asset management. This course explores the financial industry and how to develop an asset management practice: including the current economic environment, regulation, reporting and compliance, etc.

• Asset management concepts

• Finance and investment fundamentals

• Securities and options markets

• Corporate debt and debt hybrids

• Bond and money markets

• Foreign exchange


Investment Management & Managed Funds

Investments reveals to delegates the topics of risk and return, the contrast between equity and fixed income investments, the mathematic formulas of investing and the analysis of investment theories and strategies.


The investment section explores the difference between fundamental and technical analysis. You will learn about modern portfolio theory (asset allocation, diversification, market timing and security selection).

• Fundamental and technical analysis

• The efficiency of capital markets

• Investment fees

• Portfolio theory

• Alternative investments


Key Financial Decisions

This module looks at several important financial decisions from both market and entity perspectives. The signaling effects of key decisions are examined to illustrate the political consequences and visibility issues that accompany financial decisions that the market rates as significant.

• Capital budgeting

• Dividend policy

• Capital structure policy


Risk Management

The Risk Management module looks at the various types of risk that individuals and businesses face and how they can avoid or manage these risks. After completing the module, you will be in a position to evaluate risk exposure and develop a risk management plan.

• Role of risk management

• Evaluating the need for risk management products

• Calculating company cost of capital


Asset Management Strategies And Case Studies

This module is interwoven with the other modules and represents an ongoing part of the program. The case-study format differs from the traditional lecture format, in that you must take a more active role in the learning process. You will develop an asset management strategy and may participate in the presentation of an asset management plan to the class.



Under an agreement with the Law School , graduates of qualified accredited programs may apply directly for certification.  See LLM Program


Under an agreement with the Business School Accreditation Agency, graduates of qualified accredited business degree courses, exams and programs may apply directly for certification review.  See ACBSP Press Release


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The GAFM International Board of Standards is TUV Accredited and ISO Certified for Quality and ISO 21001 Certified for Training Standards


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 Accredited Certified Financial Analyst Chartered Accountant

Top Certifications and Designations

  • AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®
  • AMA Accredited Management Accountant  ®
  • AMC Accredited Management Consultant  ®
  • CRA Certified Risk Analyst ®
  • MFP Master Finanical Planner
  • CTEP Chartered Trust & Estate Planner
  • CIPM Certified International Project Manager ®
  • MPM Master Project Manager ®


The GAFM Board is the 1st Graduate Certification Body to Become Accredited  and Certified for: ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 29990 Training in the World. GAFM ® owns the former AAFM ® Certifications and Programs



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