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Best Research Paper Award Latin America 

Counselor George Mentz has sponsored the Best Paper Award for over 5 years.  This award is for the best research in finance and management for Latin America. The Award is decided and presented by Prof. Dr. Roberto Santillian at various locations including:  Mexico, Columbia, Chile, Peru and other locations.

Please email papers & applications direct to the Global Academy at

The Award is $500 Dollars US Scholarship Money

Thanks and Regards, George Mentz, JD MBA CWM CILS
CEO and International Lawyer

paper award pic


Dr. Roberto Santillan of the ITESM Presented the Award and the $500 USD prize to the "Best Empirical Research Paper"presented during the conference. The winner of the prize was the Chilean Rodrigo Aranda, with the paper " Pronósticos de volatilidad y cambios de régimen, en el mercado financiero Chileno GARCH versus MRS-GARCH ".  The event was a propitious occasion for research and for GAFM certification programs in Latin America.

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