Specific Course Certifications
* These certifications are for people who have taken a specific set of courses or course.

- CINWF - Certified International New Work Facilitator ™
- CCTM Chartered Certification in Talent Management ™
- CDMP Certified Digital Marketing Professional ™
- CTFM Certified Trade Finance Manager ™
- CICP Certified International Communication Professional ™
- Certified Operational Risk Manager ™
- MFP Master Certified Fintech Professional
- CIPT Chartered International Professional Trainer ™
- CIPS Certified International Purchasing Specialist ™
- CSAM Chartered Strategic Account Manager ™
- CDCS Certified Data Center Specialist ™
- CCA Certified Change Analyst ™
- CIS Certified IPSAS Specialist ™
- MBP Master Blockchain Professional ™
- CVA Chartered VAT Analyst & Certified VAT Analyst ™
- CHRD Certified Human Resources Director ™
- CAM Chartered Asset Manager ™ or CAMA Certified Asset Management Analyst ™
- CCWM Certified Crypto Wealth Manager ™ or CCWM Chartered Crypto Wealth Manager ™ (NEWLY Added 2017).
- CRMO Certified Risk Management Officer ™
- CICS Certified International Communication Specialist ™
- FMC Facilities Management Certified ™
- MFA Master Financial Accountant ™ or Cert.FA Certified in Financial Accounting ™
- CSBA Certified Strategic Business Analyst ™
- ChFI Chartered Fraud Investigator ™
Other Course Specialized Certifications
- CBA Certified Blockchain Analyst ™
- MSA Master Securities Analyst ™
- CMA Chartered Market Analyst ™
- CIPM Certified International Project Manager ®
- CPE Certified Planning Engineer ™
- CRA Certified Risk Analyst - * Also known as: ARA Accredited Risk Analyst
- CCC Chartered Cost Controller ™ (Accounting Credential) Complete a concentration in accounting.
- Master of Decorating and Insect Control Construction ™
- Master of Social Innovation and Brand Golden-Boat Management ™
- CHRA Certified Human Resources Analyst or CHR Certified in Human Resources ™
- CFC Certified in Financial Crimes ™ (Economic Crime and Fraud Prevention)
- MPA Master Professional Auditor ™
- CSA Certified Strategic Auditor ™
- CIFRS Certified in International Financial Reporting Standards
- CTA Certified Treasury Analyst ™
- CAMC Certified Anti Money Laundering Consultant ™
- CITA Certified International Tax Analyst ™
- MTP Master Treasury Professional ™
- MFMS Master Financial Modeling Specialist ™
- CCP ™ Certified Compliance Professional ™ from GAFM ®
- CEC ™ Certified eCommerce Consultant ™ (USA)
- CSM Chartered Security Manager ™
- CHRMA Certified HR Metrics & Analytics ™
- CTS™ Certified Transfer Pricing Specialist™
- MPM™ Master Project Manager – Legal Analyst
- CCA Certified Credit Analyst ™
- CCE Certified Corporate Economist ™
- CCO Certified Compliance Officer ™
- CMA Certified Marketing Analyst ™
- ChMA Chartered Mortgage Analyst ™
- CITA Certified International Tax Analyst ™
- MFC Master Financial Controller ™
- RFA Registered Financial Analyst ™
- RWM Registered Wealth Manager ™
- CPM Chartered Pension Manager ™ or CPS Certified Pension Specialist ™
- CPAM ™ Chartered Pension Analyst Manager ™
- CEPS Certified Education Planning Specialist
- CMFMP Certified Municipal Finance Management Practitioner ™
- CCMFMA Chartered Certified Municipal Financial Management Accountant ™
- CCFMA Chartered Certified Public Finance Management Accountant ™
- CCIP Chartered Certified Insurance Professional ™
- CCP Certified Communication Professional ™
- CCIB Chartered Certified International Banker ™
- AIM Accredited Investment Manager ™
- CSS Certified Sukuk Specialist ™
- ABBM Accredited Bank Branch Manager ™
- ASAR- Anti-money Laundering ™
- MIFA Master International Financial Analyst ™
- Chartered / Certified Administration Office Manager ™
- Chartered / Certified Sales Specialist / Certified Sales Manager ™
- Certified / Chartered Personal Executive Assistant ™
- Certified / Chartered Human Resources Business Partner ™
- Certified / Chartered Digital Marketing Specialist ™
- CDAS Certified Digital Advertising Specialist ™
- CFBA - Certified Forecasting and Budgeting Analyst ™
- CPRA Certified Public Relations Analyst ™
- MCA Master Compliance Analyst ™
- CLI Certified / Chartered Lead Interviewer ™
- CBS Certified / Chartered Business Strategist ™
- MHRM Master HR Manager Certification ™
- CSHR Certified / Chartered Strategic HR ™
- CITSM Certified In Information Technology Service Management ™
- CIISM Certified International Information Security Manager ™
- CILA Certified International Lead Auditor ™
- CALE Certified Advanced Leadership Expert ™
- ChSAM - Chartered Strategic Account Manager ™
- CHPM - Certified High Performance Manager ™
- CSCM Certified Supply Chain Management ™ Reg. USA. C0. Trademark
- CHRD Certified Human Resources Director ™
- CIPT Certified International Professional Teacher ™
- CPT Chartered Professional Teacher ™
- CHP Chartered Healthcare Professional ™
- CMP Chartered Media Professional ™
- CHRMA Certified Human Resources Metrics and Analytics ™
- CSSM Accredited Supply Chain Management ™
- CTAM Certified Trustee Analyst Manager ™
- CDA Chartered Digital Advertiser ™
- ChNC Chartered Nutritional Consultant ™
- ChNC Chartered Nutrition Coach ™
- ChHN Chartered in Holistic Nutrition ™
- CHNM Chartered Nutrition Manager ™
- ChCN Chartered Clinical Nutritionist ™
- MA - Master of Aromatherapist ™
- MMFTMP - Master of Muscle and Fitness Training and Management Professional ™
- CICMBA Certificate of I-Ching Master on Business Administration ™
- ABBM - Accredited Bank Branch Manager ™
- MC Master of Cofeeology” or “MC Master of Coffeology (Advancing Coffee Management & Refining Art
- MA Master Aromatherapist ™
- MMFTMP - Master of Muscle and Fitness Training and Management Professional ™
- Master of Decorating and Insect Control Construction
- Master of Social Innovation and Brand Golden-Boat Management
- CICMBA Certificate of I-Ching Master on Business Administration ™
- MLGJA Master of Luxury Goods and Jewelry Appraiser ™
Diploma Certification (Certified Dip. Programs)
International Diploma Programs (Certified Dip.
IDFS - International Diploma in Financial Services:
- CCIB Chartered Certified International Banker
- CPB Certified Chartered Private Banker
- MFP Master Financial Planner
- Option (1): CCIP Chartered Certified Insurance Professional
- Option (2): AIM Accredited Investment Manager
IDWM - International Diploma in Wealth Management
- CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner
- CTFM Certified Trade Finance Manager
- CWM Chartered Wealth Manager
- Option (1): CAM Chartered Asset Manager
- Option (2): MFP Master Certified Fintech Professional
IDCF - International Diploma in Corporate Finance
- AFA Accredited Financial Analyst
- ChFM Chartered Financial Manager ™
- CPM Chartered Portfolio Manager
- Option (1): CTA Chartered Treasury Analyst ™
- Option (2): CIFRS Certified in International Financial Reporting Standards
IDRM - International Diploma in Risk Management
- CRMO Certified Risk Management Officer ™
- CORM Certified Operational Risk Manager
- CRA Certified Risk Analyst
- Option (1): CGRCS Certified Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Specialist ™
- Option (2): CFC Certified in Financial Crimes ™ (Economic Crime and Fraud Prevention)
IDCAML - International Diploma in Compliance & Anti-Money
- CAMC Certified Anti Money Laundering Consultant™
- CCO Certified Compliance Officer
- CFC Certified in Financial Crimes ™ (Economic Crime and Fraud Prevention)
- Option (1): CGA Certified Governance Auditor
- Option (2): CGRCS Certified Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Specialist ™
IDHRM – International Diploma in Human Resources Management
- CHRBP Certified / Chartered Human Resources Business Partner
- CHRD Certified Human Resources Director ™
- CHRA Certified Human Resources Analyst
- Option (1): CHRMA Certified Human Resources Metrics and Analytics ™
- Option (2): TMBP Talent Management Best Practice Certification ™
IDPM – International Diploma in Project Management
- CIPM Certified International Project Manager
- MPM® Master Project Manager ®
- CPRM Certified Project Risk Analyst
- Option (1): CPE Certified Planning Engineer
- Option (2): AMC® Accredited Management Consultant ®
IDA– International Diploma in Accounting
- CIFRS Certified in International Financial Reporting Standards
- CMFMA Certified Municipal Financial Management Accountant
- Cert.FA Certified in Financial Accounting
- Option (1): AMA Accredited Management Accountant ®
- Option (2): MPA Master Professional Auditor ™
IDSLM – International Diploma in Strategic Leadership & Management
- CALE Certified Advanced Leadership Expert
- CBS Certified Business Strategist
- AMC® Accredited Management Consultant ®
- Option (1): Talent Management Best Practice Certification ™
- Option (2): CICP Certified International Communication Professional ™
IDSM – International Diploma in Sales & Marketing
- CPRA Certified Public Relations Analyst
- CSM Certified Sales Manager
- CMA Certified Marketing Analyst
- Option (1): CDMS Certified Digital Marketing Specialist
- Option (2): CMP Certified Media Practitioner
IDPS – International Diploma in Procurement and Supply
- CSCM Certified Supply Chain Management
- CTPS Certified Transfer Pricing Specialist
- MCM Master Contract Manager
- Option (1): CTFM Certified Trade Finance Manager ™
- Option (2): CINP Certified International Negotiations Professional ™
**Diploma Certifications offered outside of the USA only as part of the GAFM's ESQ or TUV
Accreditation from European Accreditation Agency.
GAFM offers cybersecurity certifications to those with degrees and assessments in
- CCP Certified Cybersecurity Planner ™ – An certification designed for individuals without prior experience
in cybersecurity.
- CCSP Certified Cloud Security Planner – An entry-level specialization certification focusing on cloud
security, ideal for those new to cybersecurity.
- CDPP Certified Data Privacy Planner – An entry-level specialization certification tailored for individuals
interested in data privacy, requiring no prior cybersecurity experience.
- CTPRP Certified Third Party Risk Planner" – An entry-level specialization certification for those looking
to understand third-party risk management, accessible without prior cybersecurity knowledge.
- CCRP Certified Cybersecurity Risk Planner – An entry-level specialization certification focused on
cybersecurity risk management, designed for those new to the field.
- MCCP Master Certified Cybersecurity Planner – An advanced certification that requires either completion of
the foundational CCA or equivalent work experience, along with one of the specialization certifications
Ø Certified Accounting CA
Ø Certified Human Resource Management CHRM
Ø Certified Shipping & Logistics Management CSLM
Ø Certified Procurement & Supply Chain Management CPSM
Ø Certified Economist CE
Ø Certified Project Management CPM
Ø Certified Risk Analyst CRA
Ø Certified Trust And Estate Planning CTEP
Ø Certified Wealth Management CWM
Ø Certified Leadership Consultant CLC
Ø Certified Fraud Analyst CFA
Ø Certified International Professional Trainer CIPT
Ø Certified Financial Management CFM
Ø Certified VAT Analyst CVA
Ø Certified Crypto Wealth Manager CCWM
Ø Certified Financial Director CFD
Ø Certified Petroleum Economics CPE
Ø Certified Industrial Economics CIE
Ø Certified Managerial Economics CME
Ø Certified Financial Economics CFE
Ø Certified Energy Economics CEE
Ø Certified Health Economics CHE
Ø Certified Economic Policy Analysis CEPA
Ø Certified Organizational Development Practitioner CODP
Ø Certified International Priority Banker CIPB
Ø Certified Portfolio Management CPM
Ø Certified Engineer CE
Ø Certified Asset Management CAM
Ø Certified Market Analyst CMA
Ø Certified Cost Controller CCC
Ø Certified International Communication Professional CICP
Ø Certified Communication Professional CCP
Ø Certified Trade Finance Management CTFM
Ø Certified Financial Crimes CFC
Ø Certified Strategic Auditing CSA
Ø Certified International Financial Reporting Standards CIFRS
Ø Certified Treasury Analyst CTA
Ø Certified Anti Money Laundering Consultant CAMC
Ø Certified International Tax Analyst CITA
Ø Certified Compliance Professional CCP
Ø Certified eCommerce Consultant CEC
Ø Certified Security Management CSM
Ø Certified Transfer Pricing Specialist CTPS
Ø Certified Credit Analyst CCA
Ø Certified Corporate Economist CCE
Ø Certified Compliance Officer CCO
Ø Certified Marketing Analyst CMA
Ø Certified Mortgage Analyst Ch.MA
Ø Certified International Tax Analyst CITA
Ø Certified Pension Management CPM
Ø Certified Pension Analyst Management CPAM
Ø Certified Education Planning Specialist CEPS
Ø Certified Municipal Finance Management Practitioner CMFMP
Ø Certified Municipal Financial Management Accountant CMFMA
Ø Certified Public Finance Management Accountant CPFMA
Ø Certified Insurance Professional CIP
Ø Certified Banker CB
Ø Certified Personal Executive Assistant C.PEA
Ø Certified Human Resources Business Partner C.HRBP
Ø Certified Digital Marketing Specialist C.DMS
Ø Certified Administration Office Management CAOM
Ø Certified Sales Specialist CSS
Ø Certified Sales Management CSM
Ø Certified Forecasting and Budgeting Analyst CFBA
Ø Certified Public Relations Analyst CPRA
Ø Certified Private Banker CPB
Ø Certified Scheduling Professional CSP
Ø Certified Project Cost Management CPCM
Ø Certified Operational Risk Management CORM
Ø Certified Lead Interviewer CLI
Ø Certified Business Strategist CBS
Ø Certified Strategic HR CSHR
Ø Certified Talent Practitioner CTP
Ø Certified Information Technology Service Management CITSM
Ø Certified International Information Security Management CIISM
Ø Certified Advanced Leadership Expert CALE
Ø Certified Media Practitioner CMP
Ø Certified Trustee Analyst Management CTAM
Ø Certified HR Metrics & Analytics CHRMA
Ø Certified Blockchain Analyst CBA
Ø Certified Data Science CDS
Ø Certified Risk Management Officer CRMO
Ø Certified International Communication Specialist CICS
Ø Certified Strategic Business Analyst CSBA
Ø Certified Learning and Development Management CLDM
Ø Certified International Information System Auditor CIISA
Ø Certified Insurance Professional CIP
Ø Certified Trade Finance Management CTFM
Ø Certified International Financial Reporting Standards CIFRS
Ø Certified Risk Management Officer CRMO
Ø Certified Operational Risk Management CORM
Ø Certified Compliance Officer CRA
Ø Certified Anti Money Laundering Consultant CAMC
Ø Certified Compliance Officer CCO
Ø Certified Governance Auditor CGA
Ø Chartered Accounting ChA
Ø Chartered Human Resource Management Ch.HRM
Ø Chartered Shipping & Logistics Management ChSLM
Ø Chartered Procurement & Supply Chain Management ChPSM
Ø Chartered Economist ChE
Ø Chartered Project Management ChPM
Ø Chartered Risk Analyst ChRA
Ø Chartered Trust and Estate Planning CTEP
Ø Chartered Wealth Management CWM
Ø Chartered Leadership Consultant CCLC
Ø Chartered Fraud Analyst ChFA
Ø Chartered International Professional Trainer ChIPT
Ø Chartered Financial Management ChM
Ø Chartered Human Resources Director ChHRD
Ø Chartered VAT Analyst ChVA
Ø Chartered Crypto Wealth Management ChCWM
Ø Chartered Financial Director ChFD
Ø Chartered Petroleum Economics Ch.PE
Ø Chartered Industrial Economics Ch.IE
Ø Chartered Managerial Economics Ch.ME
Ø Chartered Financial Economics Ch.FE
Ø Chartered Energy Economics Ch.EE
Ø Chartered Organizational Development Practitioner CODP
Ø Chartered Health Economics Ch.HE
Ø Chartered Economic Policy Analysis Ch.EPA
Ø Chartered International Priority Banker ChPB
Ø Chartered Portfolio Management ChPM
Ø Chartered Engineer ChE
Ø Chartered Asset Management ChAM
Ø Chartered Market Analyst ChMA
Ø Chartered Cost Controller ChCC
Ø Chartered International Communication Professional ChICP
Ø Chartered Communication Professional ChCP
Ø Chartered Financial Crimes ChFC
Ø Chartered Strategic Auditor ChSA
Ø Chartered International Financial Reporting Standards ChIFRS
Ø Chartered Treasury Analyst ChTA
Ø Chartered Anti Money Laundering Consultant ChAMC
Ø Chartered International Tax Analyst ChITA
Ø Chartered Compliance Professional ChCP
Ø Chartered eCommerce Consultant ChEC
Ø Chartered Security Management ChSM
Ø Chartered Transfer Pricing Specialist ChTPS
Ø Chartered Credit Analyst ChCA
Ø Chartered Corporate Economist ChCE
Ø Chartered Scheduling Professional ChSP
Ø Chartered Compliance Officer ChCO
Ø Chartered Marketing Analyst C.MA
Ø Chartered Mortgage Analyst ChMA
Ø Chartered International Tax Analyst ChTA
Ø Chartered Pension Management Ch.PM
Ø Chartered Pension Analyst Management ChPAM
Ø Chartered Education Planning Specialist ChEPSM
Ø Chartered Municipal Finance Management Practitioner ChMFMP
Ø Chartered Municipal Financial Management Accountant CCMFMA
Ø Chartered Public Finance Management Accountant ChPFMA
Ø Chartered Insurance Professional CCIP
Ø Chartered Banker CCB
Ø Chartered Personal Executive Assistant CPEA
Ø Chartered Human Resources Business Partner CHRBP
Ø Chartered Digital Marketing Specialist CDMS
Ø Chartered Administration Office Management ChAOM
Ø Chartered Sales Specialist ChSS
Ø Chartered Sales Management ChSM
Ø Chartered Forecasting and Budgeting Analyst ChFBA
Ø Chartered Public Relations Analyst ChPRA
Ø Chartered Private Banker ChPB
Ø Chartered Project Cost Management ChPCM
Ø Chartered Operational Risk Management ChORM
Ø Chartered Lead Interviewer ChLI
Ø Chartered Business Strategist ChBS
Ø Chartered Strategic HR ChSHR
Ø Chartered Talent Practitioner ChTP
Ø Chartered Information Technology Service Management ChITSM
Ø Chartered International Information Security Management ChIISC
Ø Chartered Advanced Leadership Expert ChALE
Ø Chartered Media Practitioner ChMP
Ø Chartered Trustee Analyst Management ChTAM
Ø Chartered HR Metrics & Analytics ChHRMA
Ø Chartered Blockchain Analyst ChBA
Ø Chartered Data Science ChDS
Ø Chartered Risk Management Officer ChRMO
Ø Chartered International Communication Specialist ChICS
Ø Chartered Strategic Business Analyst ChBA
Ø Chartered Learning and Development Management ChLDM
Ø Chartered International Information System Auditor ChIISA
Ø Chartered Insurance Professional CCIP
Ø Chartered Trade Finance Management ChTFM
Ø Chartered International Financial Reporting Standards ChIFRS
Ø Chartered Risk Management Officer ChRMO
Ø Chartered Operational Risk Management ChORM
Ø Chartered Anti Money Laundering Consultant ChAMC
Ø Chartered Compliance Officer ChCO
Ø Chartered Governance Auditor Ch.GA
Ø Fellow Accounting FA
Ø Fellow Human Resource Management FHRM
Ø Fellow Shipping & Logistics Management FSLM
Ø Fellow Procurement & Supply Chain Management FPSM
Ø Fellow Economist FE
Ø Fellow Project Management FPM
Ø Fellow Risk Analyst FRA
Ø Fellow Trust And Estate Planning FTEP
Ø Fellow Wealth Management FWM
Ø Fellow Fraud Analyst FFA
Ø Fellow Leadership Consultant FLC
Ø Fellow International Professional Trainer FIPT
Ø Fellow Financial Management FFM
Ø Fellow Human Resources Director FHRD
Ø Fellow VAT Analyst FVA
Ø Fellow Crypto Wealth Management FCWM
Ø Fellow Financial Director FFD
Ø Fellow Petroleum Economics FPE
Ø Fellow Industrial Economics FIE
Ø Fellow Managerial Economics FME
Ø Fellow Financial Economics FFE
Ø Fellow Energy Economics FEE
Ø Fellow Health Economics FHE
Ø Fellow Economic Policy Analysis FEPA
Ø Fellow Organizational Development Practitioner FODP
Ø Fellow International Priority Banker FIPB
Ø Fellow Portfolio Management FPM
Ø Fellow Engineer FPE
Ø Fellow Asset Management FAM
Ø Fellow Market Analyst FMA
Ø Fellow Cost Controller FCC
Ø Fellow International Communication Professional FICP
Ø Fellow Communication Professional FCP
Ø Fellow Human Resources Analyst FHRA
Ø Fellow Financial Crimes FFC
Ø Fellow Strategic Auditor FSA
Ø Fellow International Financial Reporting Standards FIFRS
Ø Fellow Treasury Analyst FTA
Ø Fellow Anti Money Laundering Consultant FAMLC
Ø Fellow International Tax Analyst FITA
Ø Fellow Compliance Professional FCP
Ø Fellow eCommerce Consultant FEC
Ø Fellow Security Management FSM
Ø Fellow Transfer Pricing Specialist FTPS
Ø Fellow Credit Analyst FCA
Ø Fellow Corporate Economist FCE
Ø Fellow Compliance Officer FCO
Ø Fellow Marketing Analyst FMA
Ø Fellow Mortgage Analyst F.MA
Ø Fellow International Tax Analyst FITA
Ø Fellow Pension Management FPM
Ø Fellow Pension Analyst Management FPAM
Ø Fellow Education Planning Specialist FEPS
Ø Fellow Municipal Finance Management Practitioner FMFMP
Ø Fellow Municipal Financial Management Accountant FMFMA
Ø Fellow Public Finance Management Accountant FPFMA
Ø Fellow Insurance Professional FIP
Ø Fellow Banker FB
Ø Fellow Personal Executive Assistant FPEA
Ø Fellow Digital Marketing Specialist FDMS
Ø Fellow Human Resources Business Partner FHRBP
Ø Fellow Administration Office Management FAOM
Ø Fellow Sales Specialist FSS
Ø Fellow Sales Management FSM
Ø Fellow Forecasting and Budgeting Analyst FFBA
Ø Fellow Public Relations Analyst FPRA
Ø Fellow Private Banker FPB
Ø Fellow Scheduling Professional FSP
Ø Fellow Project Cost Management FPCM
Ø Fellow Operational Risk Management FORM
Ø Fellow Lead Interviewer FLI
Ø Fellow Business Strategist FBS
Ø Fellow Strategic HR FSHR
Ø Fellow Talent Practitioner FTP
Ø Fellow Information Technology Service Management FITSM
Ø Fellow International Information Security Management FIISM
Ø Fellow Advanced Leadership Expert FALE
Ø Fellow Media Practitioner FMP
Ø Fellow Trustee Analyst Management FTAM
Ø Fellow HR Metrics & Analytics FHRMA
Ø Fellow Blockchain Analyst FBA
Ø Fellow Data Science FDS
Ø Fellow International Communication Specialist FICS
Ø Fellow Strategic Business Analyst FSBA
Ø Fellow Learning and Development Management FLDM
Ø Fellow International Information System Auditor FIISA
Ø Fellow Insurance Professional FIP
Ø Fellow Trade Finance Management FTFM
Ø Fellow International Financial Reporting Standards FIFRS
Ø Fellow Risk Management Officer FROM
Ø Fellow Operational Risk Management FORM
Ø Fellow Compliance Officer FCO
Ø Fellow Anti Money Laundering Consultant FAMC
Ø Fellow Compliance Officer FCO
Ø Fellow Governance Auditor FGA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Accounting FA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Human Resource Management FHRM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Shipping & Logistics Management FSLM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Procurement & Supply Chain Management FPSM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Economist FE
Ø Doctorate Fellow Project Management FPM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Risk Analyst FRA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Trust And Estate Planning FTEP
Ø Doctorate Fellow Wealth Management FWM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Fraud Analyst FFA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Leadership Consultant FLC
Ø Doctorate Fellow International Professional Trainer FIPT
Ø Doctorate Fellow Financial Management FFM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Human Resources Director FHRD
Ø Doctorate Fellow VAT Analyst DFVA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Crypto Wealth Management DFCWM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Financial Director DFFD
Ø Doctorate Fellow Petroleum Economics DFPE
Ø Doctorate Fellow Industrial Economics DFIE
Ø Doctorate Fellow Managerial Economics DFME
Ø Doctorate Fellow Financial Economics DFFE
Ø Doctorate Fellow Energy Economics DFEE
Ø Doctorate Fellow Health Economics DFHE
Ø Doctorate Fellow Economic Policy Analysis DFEPA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Organizational Development Practitioner DFODP
Ø Doctorate Fellow International Priority Banker DFIPB
Ø Doctorate Fellow Portfolio Management DFPM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Engineer DFPE
Ø Doctorate Fellow Asset Management DFAM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Market Analyst DFMA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Cost Controller DFCC
Ø Doctorate Fellow International Communication Professional DFICP
Ø Doctorate Fellow Communication Professional DFCP
Ø Doctorate Fellow Human Resources Analyst DFHRA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Financial Crimes DFFC
Ø Doctorate Fellow Strategic Auditor DFSA
Ø Doctorate Fellow International Financial Reporting Standards FIFRS
Ø Doctorate Fellow Treasury Analyst FTA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Anti Money Laundering Consultant FAMLC
Ø Doctorate Fellow International Tax Analyst FITA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Compliance Professional FCP
Ø Doctorate Fellow eCommerce Consultant FEC
Ø Doctorate Fellow Security Management FSM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Transfer Pricing Specialist FTPS
Ø Doctorate Fellow Credit Analyst FCA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Corporate Economist FCE
Ø Doctorate Fellow Compliance Officer FCO
Ø Doctorate Fellow Marketing Analyst FMA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Mortgage Analyst F.MA
Ø Doctorate Fellow International Tax Analyst FITA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Pension Management FPM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Pension Analyst Management FPAM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Education Planning Specialist FEPS
Ø Doctorate Fellow Municipal Finance Management Practitioner FMFMP
Ø Doctorate Fellow Municipal Financial Management Accountant FMFMA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Public Finance Management Accountant FPFMA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Insurance Professional FIP
Ø Doctorate Fellow Banker FB
Ø Doctorate Fellow Personal Executive Assistant FPEA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Digital Marketing Specialist FDMS
Ø Doctorate Fellow Human Resources Business Partner FHRBP
Ø Doctorate Fellow Administration Office Management FAOM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Sales Specialist FSS
Ø Doctorate Fellow Sales Management FSM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Forecasting and Budgeting Analyst FFBA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Public Relations Analyst FPRA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Private Banker FPB
Ø Doctorate Fellow Scheduling Professional FSP
Ø Doctorate Fellow Project Cost Management FPCM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Operational Risk Management FORM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Lead Interviewer FLI
Ø Doctorate Fellow Business Strategist FBS
Ø Doctorate Fellow Strategic HR FSHR
Ø Doctorate Fellow Talent Practitioner FTP
Ø Doctorate Fellow Information Technology Service Management FITSM
Ø Doctorate Fellow International Information Security Management FIISM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Advanced Leadership Expert FALE
Ø Doctorate Fellow Media Practitioner FMP
Ø Doctorate Fellow Trustee Analyst Management FTAM
Ø Doctorate Fellow HR Metrics & Analytics FHRMA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Blockchain Analyst FBA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Data Science FDS
Ø Doctorate Fellow International Communication Specialist FICS
Ø Doctorate Fellow Strategic Business Analyst FSBA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Learning and Development Management FLDM
Ø Doctorate Fellow International Information System Auditor FIISA
Ø Doctorate Fellow Insurance Professional FIP
Ø Doctorate Fellow Trade Finance Management FTFM
Ø Doctorate Fellow International Financial Reporting Standards FIFRS
Ø Doctorate Fellow Risk Management Officer FROM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Operational Risk Management FORM
Ø Doctorate Fellow Compliance Officer FCO
Ø Doctorate Fellow Anti Money Laundering Consultant FAMC
Ø Doctorate Fellow Compliance Officer FCO
Ø Doctorate Fellow Governance Auditor FGA
Ø Accredited Financial Analyst AFA
Ø Accredited Management Accountant AMA
Ø Accredited Management Consultant AMC
Ø Master Management Consultant MMC
Ø Master Financial Planner MFP
Ø Registered Business Analyst RBA
Ø Master Project Manager MPM
Ø Master Compliance Professional MCP
Ø Master Certified Fintech Professional MFP
Ø Master Blockchain Professional MBP
Ø Registered Financial Specialist RFS
Ø Financial Analyst Designate FAD
Ø Master Financial Accountant MFA
Ø Master Professional Auditor MPA
Ø Master Treasury Professional MTP
Ø Master Financial Modeling Specialist MFMS
Ø Master Project Manager – Legal Analyst MPM
Ø Master Financial Controller MFC
Ø Registered Financial Analyst RFA
Ø Registered Wealth Manager RWM
Ø Talent Management Best Practice Certification TMBP
Ø Accredited Investment Manager AIM
Ø Master Financial Planner MFP
Ø Master Compliance Analyst MCA
Ø Master Project Planner MPP
Ø Master Contract Manager MCM
Ø Master HR Manager Certification MHRM
Ø Master Certified Fintech Professional MFP
Ø Accredited Supply Chain Management CSSM
Ø Certified Master of Business Communication CMBC