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International Board of Standards - Professional Designations -  Accredited Education.  Creating the World's Leaders in Management ™



Become CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ®

USA Accredited Certification Training Program  -  ESA Accredited & ISO Certified 9001 & 21001

Dear Friends, Members, and Financial Executives,

Certification Program: We offer the CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ®  online every day.

Date: We offer the course online with video lectures.

Location GLOBALLY: The course has a focus on US laws.

Who Should Attend - Executives, Managers, and Wealth Management Staffs.  All attendees must have 3 or more years of financial/wealth management experience and an accredited degree to attend. 

Topic Coverage: The course will cover key areas of:  1. Estate Planning and Trusts 2. Asset Management 3. Portfolio Management 4. International Taxation 5. Retirement Law 6. Economics 7. Investments 8. Money and Banking 9. High Net Worth Consulting 10. Relationship Management, Compliance, and Ethics 11. Business Entities & Organizations 12. Risk Management and Insurance

Top Expert Professors: This wealth management course conducted by Top Wealth Managers  and Wealth Professors in the USA. 

Wealth Management Lectures by George Mentz

These are the wealth management law school lectures filmed and recorded at the offices of Commissioner and Counselor George Mentz JD MBA CWM.

These lectures comprise the full CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® course.  After completion of these lectures and a final paper/case study that is assessed by a certified trainer, the candidate may apply for certification directly.

This online WEALTH MANAGEMENT course below is FREE with 12 hours of premium video lectures.

  1. Assessment Fee The one time certification assessment is $300 dollars.
  2. Certification Fee - The Certification is $300 dollars plus shipping for UPS.

Class Books: 

1)  Making Money – Guide to Investing - Buy Here:

2)  Wealth Management Handbook - Buy Here 

Thanks, GAFM ® Board of Standards and the CWM Institute ®



  1. Financial Planning Process:
  2. Time Value of Money:
  3. Types of Investments and Client Relationships:
  4. Types of Investments and Ethics:
  5. Types of Ownership:
  6. Asset Allocation:
  7. Business Entities and the Ownership of Property:
  8. Professional Ethics and Disciplinary Rules:
  9. Budgeting and Cash Management:
  10. Personal Financial Statements:
  11. Credit and Debt Management:
  12. Current Economics Situation:
  13. Economics:
  14. Education Planning and Funding Part 1:
  15. Education Planning and Funding Part 2:
  16. Gold Silver and Other Precious Metals:
  17. History of the 2000 Technology Bubble:
  18. Oil and Gas:
  19. Social Media and Career Planning:
  20. USA Taxation of Investments Basics:
  21. Taxation of Investments Strategies:
  22. Taxation of Investments Summary:
  23. Taxation of Investments Totality of Taxes:
  24. Technology in Wealth Management:
  25. Venture Capital:
  26. Course Capstone:

1) CWM Chartered Certified Wealth Manager ® Registered Trademark ® in the European Union #010772176.

2) CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® is a Registered Trademark in the USA  number #4553651 

3) ChFM Chartered Financial Manager ®is a registered trademark in the USA and  in Asia USPTO Regisgration number  # 6116026


Chartered Wealth Manager


Pricing: The Price has an assessment fee and a certification fee per person for the CWM ® program from GAFM ®.  We also have digital books and initial certification fees. 

Graduation: A graduation ceremony may be held at the end of the course for all successful attendees to receive their  CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® and/or CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner ® designation.

CWM Brochure:  Here is the Course Brochure

For any groups that want a private course, we can arrange that on a different date, or your people can attend this session together.

Many Thanks and Kindest Regards, George

Counselor George Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® 
Attorney and Counselor of Law LA/USA 
CEO GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management ® 
Contact Information 
GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management ® 1670-F East Cheyenne Mtn. Blvd, Suite 293 Colorado Springs, CO 80906 Fax: 419-828-4923 & 

** Accreditation - Our GAFM ® Certification Board is TUV Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified for Quality and ISO 29990 Certified for Educational Standards.  Approved Sanctioned by the Arab Academy for over 20 Arab Nations. In academic alliance with the ACBSP National Business Accreditation Agency for Certification Standards worldwide.  The GAFM ® Board of Standards is a founding member of the quality assurance standards memorandum of the CHEA International Quality Group.

Requirements for the CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® and CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner ® are LISTED on the FINRA website for all to review.

 Other Certifications Available from the Academy 
→   AMA Accredited Financial Analyst ® 
→   ChE Chartered Economist ® 
→   AMC Accredited Management Consultant ® 
→   CRA Certified Risk Analyst ® 
→   MFP Master Financial Planner ® 
→   AMA Accredited Management Accountant ® 
→  CIPM Certified International Project Manager ® 
→  CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ®  

List of Trademarked Certifications:
CWM ® Chartered Certified Wealth Manager ® is a registered trademark USA 4553651 & International Trademark in the European Community Reg. # 010772176

ChFM Chartered Financial Manager ®is a registered trademark in the USA and  in Asia USPTO Regisgration number  # 6116026

Board of Standards - As Seen in the ESQ Accreditation OE Europe, NISM India, UAE Government, Ministry of Education China, FINRA Education Guide, and U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
If you have a masters degree and over 5 years of experience, email us with your resume and we will review your application. Thanks, The Board of Standards
Send your resume TODAY and we can review your credentials for certification approval within 72 hours. Email to or Click Contact
*Dates, Times, Faculty, and Location of Course Subject to change. Payments may be refunded if you cancel the course within 30 days. After that a 50% refund can be provided up until 3 days before the course starts.


Chartered Wealth Manager ® - Federal Trademark # 4553651 - All Rights Reserved

Chartered Wealth Manager

About GAFM


The GAFM International Board of Standards is SIS Sanctioned &  QAHE ECLBS MACCA Accredited and ISO Certified for Quality and ISO 21001 Certified for Training Standards with ISO 29993 Certification backed by IAOS Accreditation


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 Accredited Certified Financial Analyst Chartered Accountant

Top Certifications and Designations

  • AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®
  • AMA Accredited Management Accountant  ®
  • AMC Accredited Management Consultant  ®
  • CRA Certified Risk Analyst ®
  • MFP Master Finanical Planner
  • CTEP Chartered Trust & Estate Planner
  • CIPM Certified International Project Manager ®
  • MPM Master Project Manager ®


The GAFM Board is the 1st Graduate Certification Body to Become Accredited  and Certified for: ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 29990 Training in the World. GAFM ® owns the former AAFM ® Certifications and Programs


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